David Ayer’s vivid and graphic World War II movie was a thorough joy to watch. The story follows Sgt. Don “Wardaddy” Collier and his crew along their adventures on their tank named “Fury.” The cast is solid highlighted by Pitt and Shia LaBeouf who portrays Boyd “Bible” Swan.(The moral compass of the group.) Another standout performance is by Logan Lerman who plays fresh faced typist Norman Ellison who is thrust into a gunner position on Fury despite having no weapon experience whatsoever.
The relationship between Pitt and Lerman is what makes the movie in my opinion. Collier takes Ellison under his wing…rather harsh and brutally at first, but then bonds with him over a couple of German women during a hostile city takeover. The scenes with the women are especially powerful and poignant which is kind of ironic since it is one of the less violet scenes in the movie.
I found Fury to be a “Saving Private Ryan” lite but still a very enjoyable watch. Great plot, action, cinematography, and storytelling.
A solid 8 out 10 stars.