Tale as old as time, this live-action remake of the 1991 animated Disney classic directed by Bill Condon hits the mark for viewers young and old! Staying true to the original storyline, we meet Belle (Emma Watson), a beautiful, smart, sweet... Read more
Ok so I have to give it to the Batman Franchise and well DC for let Lego take a crack at this parody. With the merciless of mocking it took back in 2014 with the original Lego Movie it was a gutsy call, but all I have to say is BRAVO!!! This... Read more
Doctor Strange So Marvel’s newest superhero/superwizard film will be out this week and well this one is as the name implies it “Strange”. But never has strange looked so good. If there is one thing that critics including myself agree on is... Read more
Suicide Squad Sometimes is good to be bad…not this time around! As I have said so many times in the past, yes I am a nerd and comic books are my sanctuary. After a summer of ups and downs, Suicide Squad (SS) had the potential to be the one... Read more