I walked into the Neon Demon not having any idea what I was going to see and I left the movie having no idea what I just saw! I honestly think that Neon Demon might be the most messed up, disturbing, confusion, yet curiously interesting movie... Read more
X-Men: Apocalypse I will try to keep this simple and spoiler free…However I can’t promise soooo SPOILER ALERT! So being the comic fanboy I am, I was a little excited about watching this one. I had heard through the grapevine that wolverine... Read more
Alice Through the Looking Glass You cannot change the past, but you can learn from it…not always true. The screen explodes with vibrant colors, textures, and sound and the Lewis Carroll characters are swept in that explosion…Through the... Read more
It seems like this summer we have two major comic book films in which a villain coerces two familiar heroes to fight each other to the very end. The difference between the two films is that one is a snorefest full of plot holes while the other... Read more