Overall 3

Written by the Coen brothers and directed by George Clooney, Suburbicon tries to be a deeply intellectual dark comedy and instead falls flat on its face as a forgettable waste of time. The story begins as Gardner Lodge (Matt Damon) sees his family tied up by robbers and his wife being killed as a result ..

Summary 3.0 poor


Written by the Coen brothers and directed by George Clooney, Suburbicon tries to be a deeply intellectual dark comedy and instead falls flat on its face as a forgettable waste of time.

The story begins as Gardner Lodge (Matt Damon) sees his family tied up by robbers and his wife being killed as a result of the ordeal. It is obvious to everyone that this murder was an obvious setup by himself and his sister in law (Julianne Moore) to kill off his handicapped wife so that they can be together and collect a hefty insurance claim.

The story also revolves around Lodge’s son Nicky (Noah Jute) who witnesses everything and sees how his father is the reason for his mom’s death. The story also shows an African American couple’s struggles to be accepted by neighbors after moving into “Suburbicon.” This family also has a young son Andy (Tony Espinosa) who interacts with Nicky via mainly baseball, but it is a horrible attempt by the writers to try to connect the two main storylines.

Yes, as in typical Coen brothers fashion, there is plenty of unexpected sorrow and untimely deaths, but even that staple cannot save this train wreck.

Do yourself a favor (even if you are a Coen Brothers or Clooney fan) and wait for this to come out on video instead of wasting your hard earned money on this one! You can thank me later!

3 out of 10.

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