Onward is the new film that is certain to be the newest hit in the Disney/Pixar Universe. This animated film is sad, funny, heartbreaking, action-packed, and overall truly captivating. The story focuses on two elf brothers (Ian and Barley), played by Tom Holland and Chris Pratt respectively. The voice over work and transitions to the screen between the two are very well done and fun to watch. It’s great to see both actors in a different light from their Marvel Universe roles.
The brothers spend the majority of the film trying to find a way to bring their dad back to life after finding out that he dabbled in magic during his life. Along the way, they meet up with a heroic character known as the Manticore played by Octavia Spencer. The brothers’ interactions with her are some of the funniest moments in the film.
The adventures are plentiful and the magic themed storyline will keep viewers entertained the whole way. Go ahead and take the whole family to see this one as we wholeheartedly agree that this one is wonderful to see!