Captain America – Civil War
It seems like this summer we have two major comic book films in which a villain coerces two familiar heroes to fight each other to the very end. The difference between the two films is that one is a snorefest full of plot holes while the other is incredibly entertaining and thoroughly captivating. I’ll focus on the latter film here as Captain America – Civil War is one of the best comic book movies that I have seen to date!
Directors Anthony and Joe Russo do a spectacular job of bringing new characters into the fold and and an even more incredible job of allowing each character to succeed in their specific and quite different roles through humor, angst, naivety, and overall fear. This movie also contains one of the most epic airport fight scenes to date. Just watch and enjoy it.
With so much going on, we still get to see and feel the pain of both Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr) and Captain America (Chris Evans) as they struggle with each other and the way they each think things should be handled when the governments of the world come together and demand that an “Avenger” accord be signed. I already cannot ever picture anyone else playing Iron Man again with the acting chops that Downey has and he did nothing in this movie to change my mind for sure.
Without spoiling anything, I’ll just say that Marvel/Disney is light years ahead of the current DC movies these days as their films are filled with interesting characters, great storylines, perfectly timed humor, and wonderful surprises. In fact, Tom Holland as Spiderman pretty much steals the show in his few times onscreen so much so that people will be dying to see the next Spiderman stand alone movie.(Me included).
This is what a summer blockbuster should be. Enjoy! 9 out of 10.