FilmManiacs 10 for 10:Halloween Spooktacular

FilmManiacs 10 for 10:Halloween Spooktacular

FilmManiacs 10 for 10:Halloween Spooktacular

Well we here at FilmManiacs love to get into the Halloween spirit. And with Halloween quickly approaching what better way to start celebrating early than with a finely curated selection of horror shorts by yours truly. So here they are…FilmManiacs 10 for 10! Ten horror shorts all under 10 minutes.

La Cruz

He Dies at the End


The Whistler

The Passing

Lights Out





This one is a little different and really didn’t quite fit in this genre since I see it as more of a drama. However it is a great little short that deserved an honorary mention…


Curated by Hiram Trillo

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